Schanuel’s conjecture states that the transcendence degree over of the -tuple is at least for all which are linearly independent over ; if true it would settle a great number of elementary open problems in number theory, among which the transcendence of over .
Wilkie [11], and Kirby [4, Theorem 1.2] have proved that there exists a smallest countable algebraically and exponentially closed subfield of such that Schanuel’s conjecture holds relative to (i.e. modulo the trivial counterexamples, can be replaced by in the statement of Schanuel’s conjecture). We prove a slightly weaker result (i.e. that there exists such a countable field without specifying that there is a smallest such) using the forcing method and Shoenfield’s absoluteness theorem.
This result suggests that forcing can be a useful tool to prove theorems (rather than independence results) and to tackle problems in domains which are apparently quite far apart from set theory.
Published online:
Mots-clés : Schanuel’s conjecture, forcing and generic absoluteness
Matteo Viale 1
@article{CML_2016__8_2_59_0, author = {Matteo Viale}, title = {Forcing the truth of a weak form of {Schanuel{\textquoteright}s} conjecture}, journal = {Confluentes Mathematici}, pages = {59--83}, publisher = {Institut Camille Jordan}, volume = {8}, number = {2}, year = {2016}, doi = {10.5802/cml.33}, language = {en}, url = {} }
TY - JOUR AU - Matteo Viale TI - Forcing the truth of a weak form of Schanuel’s conjecture JO - Confluentes Mathematici PY - 2016 SP - 59 EP - 83 VL - 8 IS - 2 PB - Institut Camille Jordan UR - DO - 10.5802/cml.33 LA - en ID - CML_2016__8_2_59_0 ER -
Matteo Viale. Forcing the truth of a weak form of Schanuel’s conjecture. Confluentes Mathematici, Volume 8 (2016) no. 2, pp. 59-83. doi : 10.5802/cml.33.
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