Authors should submit their papers as pdf files to the most appropriate editor (the interests of each editor are listed in the Editorial board). Once a paper is accepted, authors should provide a Latex file with documentclass cml which compiles without errors under pdflatex, together with a pdf file obtained by compiling the Latex file. See the LaTeX Instructions for details on how to prepare the Latex file.
Confluentes Mathematici accepts papers in English, French or German. If the paper is not in English, an English translation of the title and abstract should be provided.
Papers should contain an abstract of less than 300 words summarizing its content and conclusions. The AMS subject classification should also be given, as well as some keywords.
Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published in, and has not been submitted to another journal.
References should be listed in alphabetical order of the first author’s name and cited by the corresponding number in square brackets in the text.
In order to facilitate access for the disabled, starting in 2019 all papers will be published both as pdf and tex file.